One day following Holocaust Memorial Day 2016, was a good day to start my new blog. We had a trio session accompanied by Mary Vigdor, my wise companion, with my attorney Craig Miller to update my legacy papers. One should not procrastinate to prepare for the inevitable until “one leg is sinking into the grave” as is said in Yiddish. Actually, I already reserved a grave with a nice view to “sink in.” And then there is life after death. A few days ago I watched an interview about Pasolini included in a DVD of his film “Teorema”. His lifelong friend, a prominent Italian visual artist, explained in great detail Pasolini’s quest for self-realization as human being and artist was by pursuing his own circumstantial death. He managed to achieve it at the age of 52 willfully exposing himself to a murderous encounter with a young gay person from the shadowy underbelly of Rome. Given his Catholic background and the thematic material of many of his other films, I would dare to say that he had an incurable “Jesus Complex.” Dick Blau and I explored that subject from a Jewish point of view. We re-enacted Via Dolorosa with a healthy amount of irony in our film “Jidyll” about the reappearance in our midst of the Wandering Jew.